Two soldiers of Colombian National Army refused to receive a bribe in the municipality of ValparaÃso, Caquetá, showing the principles and values of the institution and the commitment to fulfill
Colombian National Army troops in the Department of La Guajira continue to fight against drug trafficking, seeking to curb the export of illicit drugs.
These elements were transported by air and then by river, which will serve to improve the conditions of the children of four indigenous communities. These student chairs were manufactur
This site would be part of the illegal finance subsystem of the so-called Comandos de Frontera and would have the capacity to produce more than five tons of drugs per month.
FARC dissidents have been responsible for 91% of the anti-personnel mines and explosive devices destroyed by the military forces in the national territory in 2024.
Since 2017, this binational operation has expanded its focus to include medical and dental assistance, construction projects and emergency management training in Colombia.