In the conventions center Cartagena de Indias, Colombiamar 2019, the most important exhibition of this industry in the continent, will take place.
For three days, from March 13 to 15, 32 foreign Navy forces, 90 exhibitors from invited countries, 5 speakers and 56 speakers, will meet to hold this event that in the same way reunites them together around the VI International Congress of Design and Naval Engineering and the XXVI Pan-American Congress of Naval Engineering, Maritime Transport and Port Engineering.
The central theme of this meeting revolves around the Innovation in the Colombian Naval Industry, news and trends, dual-use technologies and competitiveness in the shipyard sector. In the same way, three important forums will be held on the impact of the military industry on the economic development of the country, strategies for the blue economy and the future of the Pan-American shipbuilding industry.
To Rear Admiral Óscar Darío Tascón, president of Cotecmar, an institution of the National Navy that organizes the event, on this occasion "Cotecmar has a very important commitment to the country through events such as Colombiamar, which has become the epicenter of the dynamics of the sector in the region and that reunites together important representatives of the naval, maritime and fluvial sector of the country and the world ".
In the framework of the event, the official presentation of the medicalized ambulatory transport boat, TAM designed and built by Cotecmar, will take place, as a new opportunity to continue distributing solutions to the needs of the coastal populations of the country. This new solution is the result of the implementation of the experience in the Patrol boats of River that take other configurations to positively impact the communities. During the event there will in the same way be the baptism of the Tugboat Rio Providencia built by Cotecmar to contribute to the competitiveness of the Magdalena River.
Colombiamar 2017 Fair counted on 3198 victors, 385 appointments were reported in the commercial meetings, and there were business for 995 thousand dollars and business expectations for 104 million dollars.
Colombiamar is an important event of new business opportunities for providers of goods and services to be promoted. In the last four years, there has been a 40% growth in exhibitor participation, 27% in the commercial shows and 166% in sales comparisons.