Capture of alias Veinte - Veinte, ringleader of GAO (organized Armed Group) Los Pelusos This individual apparently had under his command a strategic mobility rou
Criminal structures are heavily weakened by the Military Gaula of the Army With 37 high-impact arrests made in the last 15 days, the Military Gaula (anti-extortion and anti-kidnapping gr
National Army operations in Santander hit the criminal operations of the Eln and Los Pelusos Seven captures, a minor recovered and a laboratory finding and destructio
Military Gaula of Cundinamarca captured an individual with rifle ammunition in Bogotá The man transported in a vehicle several boxes with more than 4,800 cart
Effective operation of authorities has led to the capture of 8 alleged murderers of social leaders After the publication on January 31 of the most wanted for the murder of