Thanks to the unified work, the National Army reaches the most remote areas of the country to bring development and well-being to the most vulnerable communities.
Soldiers of the Twelfth Brigade of the National Army in a coordinated work with the Mayor's Office of Belén de los Andaquíes, the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace, the Colombian Institute of Family Wellbeing, Corpoamozonía, the Civil Defense and Firefighters, carried out a development support activity in the village Los Ángeles, in a rural area of this municipality.
250 people benefited from an activity of assistance in services of general medicine, dentistry, psychology, vaccination, counseling to define the military situation and routes for the prevention of violence.
During the event, the National Army made the distribution of clothing donations for children and adults, cultural and recreation activities and balloon twisting. In this way, joy and well-being were brought to the children and young people of the Pueblo Nuevo Rural School.
Source: Press - National Army