In the first quarter of 2020 the Military Gaula (Anti-Extortion and Anti-Kidnapping Group) have promoted the #YoNoPagoYoDenuncio campaign, in different regions of the country, managing to train 16,825 people to date.
The prevention campaigns of the Military Gaula (Anti-Extortion and Anti-Kidnapping Group) have focused their efforts on encouraging the use of the free of charge line 147 to denounce the crimes of kidnapping and extortion. To date 680 calls have been received for extortion, 53 for kidnapping and 250 for other crimes.
In search of strengthening the community's self-protection mechanisms and preventing it from being victims of the criminals who perpetrate the crimes of kidnapping and extortion, the Military Gaula (Anti-Extortion and Anti-Kidnapping Group) visit the houses, the radio stations, the commerce, schools and State activities in order to spread the information that can be vital to guarantee the freedom and tranquility of Colombians.
Thus, in the last week, 35 self-protection workshops were held, accompaniment has been effective in 15 events for businessmen and State institutions, 16 talks on regional radio stations have been made, 392 radio advertisements have been broadcasted, 14,539 brochures have been distributed to promote the 147 hotline and recommendations of security; in the same way, 29 checkpoints have been organized as well as 198 information patrols and 35 loudspeakers activities.
The operation continues and the persistence of the Military Gaula (Anti-Extortion and Anti-Kidnapping Group) is absolute, therefore, every day it makes a presence in the regions, presenting with Colombians the importance of denouncing these crimes and thus guaranteeing the tranquility and freedom of all the Colombian people.
Source: Military Gaula (Anti-Extortion and Anti-Kidnapping Group)