In the facilities of a recognized Bogota hotel took place the IV version of the Technical Cyber Exercise CYBER.CO led by the Joint Cyber Command of the General Command of the Military Forces, which counted on the participation of eight teams previously selected from 28 different institutions (public, private and schools) that competed in this event.
The Technical Cyber Exercise CYBER.CO objective was to strengthen the bonds of partnership, share experiences and strengthen the Resources in cybersecurity and cyber defense with the different sectors that make up the Critical National Cyber Infrastructures and technology companies of the private sector.
This space led the participants to learn, train and maintain an appropriate level of response in activities of cybersecurity, and at the same time, observe and analyze the cyber maturity level of the different strategic sectors, and generate strategies of integration with the Military Forces, in order to make a team work to strengthen the national security across all government sectors, mainly agriculture, electricity, fuel, financial, TIC (communications), transport, health and social protection, among others, with heavy support of the private sector.
In this version the company Fluid Attacks with its team Fluid Attacks Black achieved the first place being the best among the technical teams in cybersecurity in this version of CYBER.CO, thanks to its high capacity to analyze cyber vulnerabilities and risks in technological infrastructures.
The Military Forces maintain a close relationship and leadership with the different public and private institutions committed to the protection of the country's critical cyber infrastructure.