Multi mission Soldiers of the Battalion of Engineers No. 2 "Vergara and Velasco" controlled a forest fire in the Salamanca Natural Park in the department of Magdalena.
Atlantico. In a joint effort conducted by Military Engineers of the National Army, National Police and Firemen, it was possible to control a fire in the "Isla de Salamanca Park", in the municipality of Palermo, department of Magdalena, in which 20 hectares of area were hit by flames.
44 men, 26 belonging to the Engineers Battalion No. 2 "Vergara and Velasco", could, after 8 days extinguish the fire saving more than 56,000 hectares of natural forest and benefiting the residents of Palermo.
According to the reports by the environmental authorities, the apparent cause of the fire was illegal hunting inside the park. National Army and each one of the institutions make a call to the population so that this type of acts do not happen again.
Source: Engineers Command - National Army.