Another endangered species is adopted by the Colombian Air Force. It is the gray Titi monkey 'Saguinus Leucopus', which is found mainly in the departments of Antioquia, Chocó and Bolívar, a class of primate that is in imminent danger due to the transformation and loss of his habitat and illegal trafficking.
This species exists only in Colombia, which makes it a priority to ensure its conservation, according to official data for the year 2017 there were only three “micos” species of this family in Medellín, two females and one male, being only one female in heat.
In coordination with the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Center of Antioquia-Corantioquia and the University of Antioquia, leader in education, conservation and research of the gray Titi, the Air Combat Command No. 5, adopts this animal, putting its personnel and capabilities available to achieve the goal of keeping alive and latent this kind of animal that has suffered so much due to the hand of mankind and the lack of consciousness that has endangered their subsistence.
Source: Colombian Air Force