Taking into account the large number of cats and dogs in vulnerable condition on the island, four sterilization campaigns have been implemented.
To date, 166 raccoons have been relocated by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Canal del Dique (Cardique), in the Parque Cacique Dulio, an ecological forest reserve, in Barú.
The overpopulation of these animals significantly reduced the number of iguanas on the island, so Cardique granted permission to release 8 young specimens in this habitat.
Being this an inhabited area with density of mangrove, it is usual to observe reptiles. Seven boa-type snakes have been given to Cardique for relocation.
The naval institution recognizes the importance of environmental management to guarantee a better future for all; that is why it will continue conducting operations that contribute to the preservation of fauna in the places where naval families reside as well as the units of the National Navy.