The Eighth Division through the Sixteenth Brigade with troops of the Instruction and Continuous training Battalion No.16 with support of the Support Battalion of Comprehensive Action and Development No.8, brought to this area of the country different services of general medicine, dentistry, sexual health, medicine distribution, manicure, pedicure, facial cleansing, haircuts and hairstyles, managing to benefit more than 350 people.
In addition to the different services provided, the Support Battalion of Comprehensive Action and Development No.8, hand in hand with the community, carried out maintenance, reconstruction of the soccer field and embellishment of the school of Yopitos with the support of the community, which is attended by around 50 children. It is a practical exercise in the differential continuous training of the Bicentennial heroes of Comprehensive Action, who are trained in different areas that contribute to the well-being of the communities. In the same way, a clown show surprised all attendees, in addition to face painting, jumping and ballooning for the little ones, who in the same way gave received snacks and presents.
Thanks to this interinstitutional work, the program Fe en Colombia of the National Army together with the National Police, Capresoca, INEC, Genesis Beauty Academy, Unitropico, ESE Salud Yopal, INEC Institute and SENA, conducted this great event that benefits the most vulnerable communities in the “Llanera” region.
Source: Comprehensive Action and Development Support Command - CAAID