During the first five months of 2019, the National Army through the Military Gaula (Anti-Extortion and Anti-Kidnapping Group) Eje Cafetero of the Eighth Brigade has visited the 53 municipalities of Risaralda, Quindío and Caldas, with the aim of getting closer to the population and working on the campaign "I do not pay, I denounce”, to say no to extortion and kidnapping.
In this way and through the free national line 147, available 24 hours a day, the Unified operation Group for Personal Freedom, GAULA, has responded immediately to denunciations from families, thus preventing the payment of more of 1,000 million pesos for extortion or kidnapping in the three departments.
"We have been carrying out a series of joint military operations against the structures that attack on personal freedom, where we can highlight 42 captures for the crime of extortion, three for the crime of kidnapping, 21 captures for the crime of conspiracy to commit a crime and the nonpayment of more than 1,000 million pesos," said Major Oscar Hernán Molina Villamil, commander of the Gaula - Eje Cafetero.
In the same way, in the department of Risaralda, 14 captures have been made for the crime of extortion and seven captures for the offense of conspiracy to commit a crime, which has led to the nonpayment of more than 774 million pesos, protecting the patrimony of the families of Risaralda.
In the department of Quindío more than 161 million pesos were not payed and nine captures took place for extortion, one for kidnapping and nine for conspiracy to commit a crime.
In the department of Caldas in the same way the operations of the men of the Military Gaula (Anti-Extortion and Anti-Kidnapping Group), who work in addition along with the CTI (Technical Investigations Corps) of the Prosecutor, led to 19 captures for extortion, two for kidnapping and five for conspiracy to commit a crime; more than 67 million pesos were prevented to be paid.
Source: National Army