At the request of the families who live in Bocas de Badeo, in the municipality of Timbiquí, in an inter-institutional work with the Ombudsman's Office and troops of the Rapid Deployment Force No. 4 of the National Army, it was possible to save 38 people. They are six families who were apparently receiving threats of the residual Organized Armed Group, GAO-r, Structure 30.
In a humanitarian operation, the National Army carried out a security operation to take these families from Bocas de Bareo to El Morro, Timbiquí municipality, Cauca, where they were extracted by helicopter.
In the framework of human rights and international humanitarian law, medical assistance and food were provided to all rescued people and they will be accommodated on the special protection route.
This is how the National Army, with the purpose of protecting and defending the good physical condition of the Colombian inhabitants, managed to safeguard the life of this group of people who were at imminent risk, attending to the provisions of articles 217 and 222 of the Political Constitution, with a view to guaranteeing the human rights of vulnerable inhabitants.
This Command decisively rejects operations that violate human rights and breaches of international humanitarian law. In the same way, it ratifies the continuous development of military operations in the frontal fight against illegal organized armed groups.
Source: National Army - News Agency